Sunday, October 01, 2006

Day 4 Korea

Today, James and I ate lunch at a place that cooks your meat in front of you. They don't stand over your table and cook it, they check in on it periodically and you are expected to keep it from burning. As soon as it is cooked the way you like it, you start eating. The goal here is to fill the lettuce with pork, rice, sliced garlic, onions, and spicy soy sauce and eat it like a burrito.

After lunch, I went with James to watch him teach English. I thought these kids had pretty wild behavior for a classroom, but James didn't seem to mind it.

When I left the school, I saw a moped with a pig on the front. Since my mother collects pigs, I thought I'd take a picture of it, but then I started to walk away. Then I saw this man walking out of the store there with a pig helmet in his hand and I had to ask him for a photograph. This ones for you mom!

Tonight's dinner was Bulgogi, which is beef.

After dinner, James and I walked around the apartment complex and saw this crossdressed man singing kareoke for a small festival.

To end the night, we went to Dodo's HOF (house of food) to order a pitcher. The guy in the photo is Sun. He wanted to practice his English with us, so he poured us a whole liter of rice wine for free. Good times.


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