Sunday, October 01, 2006

Day 7 Korea

Today I went for a walk around the town I'm living in. I found this Buddhist temple. Not the scenic landscaping I imagined I would find, but the painting on the buildings was pretty cool.

Right next to the temple was a group of elementary school kids playing at the park within their teacher's supervision. I decided to do some juggling for them and soon became overwhelmed.

Kid's act like kids no matter where you look.

I went back out to the rice fields to film myself juggling 5 balls for my "juggling around the world video" and on my way took this beautiful photo of the bike trail that goes through the fields.

James and I went to another HOF for a bite and some beer. They served our pitcher in this little dispenser. The food we bought was a roasted chicken that tasted like ham to me. It was basically a whole chicken cut up into pieces regardless of where the meat was. Not my favorite way to eat chicken.


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