Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Harvest Time

Since the middle of October, people have been working in these rice fields to collect the harvest. This photo is a couple of weeks old now. The farmers worked into the night for a few nights to get all of the rice cut down and put into the white plastic wraps. The balls of rice are actually quite big. I was surprised that they worked so hard and quick to get all the rice put into these balls, since they are still out on the field after two weeks.

During this same time period, people have been lighting these small fires. Every day the air is filled with the smoke from these fires. I kind of like the smell, but mostly I hope that it drives the mosqitos away.

This old woman sits outside my apartment building everyday collecting the harvest from these plants. I am not sure, but I think she is collecting beans. She thrashes the plants with a big stick to knock the stuff loose, and then puts them into a basket where she continues to seperate the debris from the beans.


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