Tuesday, October 17, 2006

More Food & Daily Grind

A lot of people sell food from the back of their truck beds here. Last night, I found a guy selling giant mondu. I got half giant mondu kimchi and half mondu pork. I discovered after biting into the giant mondu that it was filled with a kind of spicy spaghetti noodle mix. It was nice to try, but I liked the regular mondu kimchi better. The truck next to this one was selling giant steamed crabs.

I discovered I like this little snack pack thing you can buy at most 7-11 type stores. They are made of rice and some kind of stuffing and wrapped in seaweed. You eat the whole thing. They cost 70 cents each, or you can buy two of the old ones for $1.20.

This one has tuna and mayonaise in it, my favorite so far.

If you wonder what I do with all my spare time... I am either juggling, traveling with James to go juggle somewhere, working on the Pacific Northwest Juggling Convention, interviewing for jobs or searching the internet for jobs. I've applied to all of the high paying jobs first. I figure it doesn't make any sense to not go for some big money... worst thing that can happen is they say no.

I did get a job offer for 2.5 million won per month which comes out to at least $2,500. The problem with the job is they are asking me to work from 9am to 7:30pm. I had to decline.

Currently, I'm inquiring about a job that has really short work hours: 1pm-5:20pm. Even if I have to do prep work from 12pm-1pm and 5:20pm-6pm, that's a really short day. That would give me plenty of time do some private lessons to make up for whatever they would pay me, which I would hope to be at least 2.0 million won or $2,000 per month. Plus I'd have time to enjoy Korea, which is a major factor for coming here. ;-)

On another note, I was able to speak to a girl in the USA about my experience subbing at Wonderland. I enjoyed it enough to give my email to the recruiter so I could talk about my expereince. I hope she takes the job. Her fiance is military, so she would be very close to him, be making good money, and have her own apartment.


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